Hello and welcome! An introduction for you: I'm a mom, wife, friend, animal-lover, and lacrosse parent who also happens to write, edit and manage a publishing company for a living. So why not start a blog, I thought? And here ya go...

March 30, 2009

Did I Say I Was a Survivor? Clearly, a Challenge

What's up with my last post and my bold claim that I'm a survivor? Not on the show (snort! As if!) but in life. Clearly, God (or Fate) felt I was asking for a challenge and He served it up. Which wasn't really what I was doing. My claim was more a segway into my examples of how bad I'd be on the show Survivor. To be funny. You know, funny ha-ha. But since my last post, I believe I've been hit with more back to back curve balls in a short span of time than I've ever experienced. And I'm thinking, ok, this is good. Ok God? You've given me some stuff to prove I'm a survivor. Now let me get after it, but please, no more.

We all feel this way from time to time, I feel sure. An analogy I heard about labor contractions comes to mind and absolutely applies here. I read that contractions were like getting hit with a hammer on the thumb, repeatedly but with only medium strength. One hit is certainly tolerable. A couple hits, you can cope. But over and over and over? It's the constant repetition and the uncertainty over how long you'll continue getting hit that eventually consumes you and drives you mad. It's more mental than physical--each hit? No big deal. Unending hits without anyone to tell you how long you need to deal with it before it gets better? Goodnight Gracie!

In today's day and age, lots of people are getting hit over and over with that hammer--each hit might not do you in but lots and lots of hits? Yeah, you get it. How you cope with this type of stuff is what shows what kind of stuff you're made of; after all, everyone can be rosy, happy, generous, friendly, charitable, giving when the hammer's safely out of sight and the good times are rolling. But character is truly revealed during the tough times. I also absolutely believe that God doesn't serve us more than we can handle. But sometimes (oh, say nowish) I still just want to call Uncle: "Eh hem. Um God? Me here. Hey, listen. I know I said I was a survivor and that I could handle whatever comes my way. And that's true, it is. But seriously--I'm good now. No more please."

Me and millions of other folks, right? I know. Just thought I'd share...you're not alone.


  1. These are the hardest times I have ever known.....Keep on keepin on. Thanks for all you do.

  2. Remember, it is the choices we make not the chances
    we take that determines our ability to survive !
