Hello and welcome! An introduction for you: I'm a mom, wife, friend, animal-lover, and lacrosse parent who also happens to write, edit and manage a publishing company for a living. So why not start a blog, I thought? And here ya go...

February 18, 2009

Hip in the A.T.L.

It's a gross day in the ATL today. Rainy, nasty, thunderstorms expected all day. And with all that going on, there's one prevailing thought on my mind: when did Atlanta become "The A.T.L.?" I feel obligated to say it this way so it's clear to all that I'm hip.

You know what else makes me hip? Crocs. But you know what's not so hip? Tripping over them in grocery stores because I don't pick my feet up enough and the rubber shoe ends up catching on the tile floor. This happens to me all the time and today was no exception. I pitch forward and then have to take a couple fast steps to keep from falling on my face. But then I jump upright and just continue forward, like I most certainly did not just trip over what appeared to be nothing. Because that would be very UNhiplike. And to further reiterate, I look at the people who are inevitably there to witness the folly and I give them the ol' gun-finger point and wink. Yep, that reinstalls my hipness.

Rainy days and crocs--making it tough to be hip in the ATL.

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