Hello and welcome! An introduction for you: I'm a mom, wife, friend, animal-lover, and lacrosse parent who also happens to write, edit and manage a publishing company for a living. So why not start a blog, I thought? And here ya go...

October 21, 2009

I Am a Multi-taskaholic

Hello. My name is Megan. And I am a Multi-taskaholic.

I swear, if there is such a thing, I suffer from it. I am addicted to multi-tasking.

I've always been a big believer in maximizing time but lately it seems like the multi-tasking is almost out of hand. Can such a thing be? It's not just juggling a few things simultaneously--millions do that, of course. No, I've reached a point where if I'm doing just a single task, I almost get a little frazzled because I think there are other things that I should be doing but aren't doing. Crazy.

This occurred to me when I was making coffee this morning and as I was pouring the water in the back of the pot with my right hand, I couldn't resist rearranging the canisters on the countertop with my left hand. This isn't like patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time--this requires a level of real dexterity I'm not sure I actually possess. And yet, standing there just pouring water seemed like I was wasting time I could be getting something else done. Like, moving the canisters so the big one is on the left instead of the right. Real necessary stuff like that.

I can't seem to help myself though. I don't walk up our stairs that I don't carry multiple items. In fact, I've learned to stack stuff on the steps so that as I make any trip up or down, I can move stuff from the bottom deck to the top deck in one trip. Because to make multiple trips seems like a colossal waste of time and energy that just doesn't sit well with me.

Here's my typical morning getting Chase ready for school: we come downstairs and I grab Chase's standard breakfast fare: Eggo waffles (only the healthy, homemade stuff for my family!). Pop the waffles in the toaster. While they cook, get the butter and the milk out of the frig. Plate from the cupboard, fork from the drawer. To the pantry for Carnation breakfast drink packet and syrup. All of this is done quickly because I need it all done before the waffles are done and Chase likes his light. Waffles pop, butter them, cut them up, syrup on top. Plate into the microwave to warm up the syrup. While that cooks, I mix the breakfast drink and milk and bam--everything is ready to be served at once.

And while Chase eats, I pour some coffee while admiring my organized countertops.

These are just a few examples that I'm willing to admit to the world. So. Uber-organized? Or is this just normal stuff?

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