It's Thursday and I can't decide if I should be running toward the weekend or away from it. Are you crazy, you're thinking? Towards it! Always run towards the weekend. Any fool knows that. Yeah, yeah. But here's the thing: after this weekend we start school again. And yes, I do mean we because the crud they throw at kids these days could not possibly be done by them without parental assistance. So if I feel like I'm facing projects, posters, protractors and all sorts of other unappealing P words that have to do with daily homework. I smell the fumes of Sharpies in my near future and I don't like it one bit. You'd think that having completed some 18 years of schooling myself would buy me a reprieve from book reports, but turns out, it doesn't.
Not only is it school cranking back up, Chase will begin 6th grade. Middle school and the drama and headaches that will entail. I could cry. It means he's growing up, no longer a child. And this is tough stuff for a mother with just one child. I'm sure it's tough for moms everywhere, but particularly hard when you get to experience all the cool parts of raising a child only once. Because once it's done, it's done. No second, third, fourth child coming up behind him to re-live the fun stuff only kids appreciate. Am sure I'll survive this like everything else. In the meantime, I'll try to focus on the things he'll be doing in the middle school years that are new that we haven't experienced yet.
Lord, let some of them be good.
For now, it's one last weekend blast of the summer before we're back to reality. Here's me and my mini-me from our trip to Florida for our family reunion:
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