Hello friends!
I know what you've been thinking: what a slacker this girl is. Who starts a blog and then lets it sit, un-updated for, like, nearly two weeks? I don't blame you. I'm disgusted with myself.
Ok, I'm really not. And it's because I have a really good reason for not having updated my blog in over a week: I was without communication (telephonic, textonic or blogonic) because I was sailing around the world (alright, the Caribbean) on a big old cruise ship. And if you think that technology today has advanced to the degree that I could have been blogging away with my right hand while sipping a CocoLoco frozen fruity concoction with my left (or vice versa cause I'm talented like that), you would be right. However, if you think that AT&T wouldn't take the opportunity to gouge you with through-the-nose charges for such luxury, you would be wrong. So alas, the vacation forced me to be away from technology for a complete week. Not a bad gig, really. Once I got through the withdrawal symptoms.
Now I'm back and so happy to see my menagerie; however, I'm going through a different kind of withdrawal: Surf and Sand Withdrawals. I'm particularly envious of independently wealthy people at the moment, wishing I could be one and spend 51 weeks in the Caribbean and 1 week working, instead of vice versa. The week was relaxing and we visited beautiful locations, best of all getting to show our son Chase our favorite place in the entire world: St John in the USVI. He loved it like we do. We had excellent weather on a superb boat (Freedom of the Seas by Royal Caribbean) with cool entertainment, the most hysterical cruise director who kept us all laughing, plenty of pool chairs, multiple cans of 30 spf that prevented the sunburn I'm notorious for getting, and lots of waiters walking around bellowing "It's CocoLoco time!" Man, I miss those guys.
Here's a little peek into the week...
Me and BFF Heather, getting ready to set sail:
Hubby, Chase and Me – how can you not be smiling on a cruise??
Three words: Where’s the buffet? No really: Belly Flop Competition. Believe it or not, this guy was not the winner…altho you gotta give him some style points.
Paradise on earth: St John, USVI
Chase demonstrating his (as he puts it) mad skills at the best place on earth: St. John
Now that's living!