Hello and welcome! An introduction for you: I'm a mom, wife, friend, animal-lover, and lacrosse parent who also happens to write, edit and manage a publishing company for a living. So why not start a blog, I thought? And here ya go...

March 4, 2009

Need a Laugh?

These days, it seems laughter has disappeared as fast as our 401Ks. What with all the stress, freaking out, hair pulling, crying (is that just me?), who actually laughs anymore? But I saw something today that was so funny, even though I was in the midst of four crises and 15 regular daily events, I laughed out loud. Truthfully, I didn't bother watching this when it was first sent because I thought: Oh chil', I certainly don't have time for no entertainment today because the work is piling up faster than I can beat it down. But I was urged to take 25 seconds and watch it. It'd be worth my time. So I did. And I laughed until I cried. And that was the biggest stress-reliever.

So I want you to watch this. Don't give me any sass about not having time because we could all use a little laughter these days. You gotta see Bizkit:


Is that hysterical? I gotta have that dog. I'm going to call the owner and see if she'll give him to me.

1 comment:

  1. I have a dog that does the leg kicks and noises, but not the jump and run. Poor dog needs some padded walls !
